Access Keys:

Drumhillery Primary School

Child Protection Notice Board


At Drumhillery Primary School we strive constantly to create an atmosphere in which all children are valued through feeling confident and secure. Our aim is to acquaint parents with the procedures which have been put in place to ensure that the welfare of children is a vital part of our school life.To achieve this we have included a number of relevant policies and teaching materials in this section of our website. We trust that this will prove to be a valuable source of information regarding this very important aspect of school life.

We operate “an open door policy” at all times and your support in these matters in the past has been greatly appreciated. Any information shared with members of staff will be dealt with promptly, sensitively and confidentially.

Policy Documents

Our Safeguarding Team

At Drumhillery Primary school our Safeguarding Team is made up of specifically trained staff and Board of Governors members responsible for the safeguarding of children within the school.

Our Safeguarding Team

Chair of Governors

Mr J Bell

Designated Governor for Child Protection

Mrs L Nesbitt

Designated Teacher/ Principal

Mr K Campbell

Deputy Designated Teachers

Mrs L McMullan/ Mrs G Geary

Children are made aware of who the Designated Teachers are through school activities, but please remind your child of this.  Should you have any concerns of a Child Protection nature please inform Mr Campbell, Mrs McMullan or Mrs Geary.




Useful Links

information for
parents and
information for
parents and

Moving to Secondary School, Online Safety
Guide for Key
Stage 3
Parents and Carers Digital Advice
Created by

Think You Know 5-7 years
Key Stage 1
Think You Know 8-10 years
Key Stage 2